darshan offers professional certification programs in Kundalini Yoga in affiliation with the Kundalini Research Institute.

Your impetus for joining may initially be to simply develop your capacity to live in excellence or to develop the skills needed to share the teachings of Kundalini Yoga with the world.

Through darshan, you can obtain a Kundalini Yoga Teaching Certificate recognized globally and develop the skills, confidence and consciousness required to become a teacher of the Aquarian Age.

Level One Certification Program

in Kundalini Yoga

Aquarian Teacher Curriculum

Level Two Certification Program

in Kundalini Yoga

Aquarian Teacher Curriculum

Course Content


Use your communication skills to create a common notion with others—even those you disagree with.  Hold the teacher’s voice.  Empower your speaking.  Deepen your listening, don’t just hear.  Communicate your whole Self, with awareness, kindness and fearlessness.  Elevate your communication to the power of creative dialogue so that life becomes a flow, in harmony with the Infinite.

Uplift others through the frequency of your communication.

Key Topics

  • Recognize and contrast conscious communication with other types of communication
  • The role of silence and shuniya in communication
  • The art of deep listening—sunni-ai
  • Mastering the 5th Chakra
  • Recognizing your shadow and overcoming your blocks through applied consciousness
  • Communication through prayer

Explore and understand your relationship with destiny.  Discover mystery and mastery through every cycle of life.  Review your personal biography in a way that will liberate you.

Key Topics

  • Identify habits, attitudes and practices that help or hinder your life in the present, past and future.
  • Examine and map out the stages and cycles of life.
  • Learn to deeply understand and confront the fear of death.
  • Renew your self-concept by discovering your purpose and destiny for living an extraordinary life.

Learn to harmonize the 7, 11 and 18-year cycles of your life. Step further into the practical science of transforming your life from self-demoting habits to self-promoting ones.


Integrate authentic relationships into every aspect of your life. Explore and understand how we form, sustain and honor relationships.  Use awareness, contemplation and meditation to upgrade relation to self and to others.  Forgive the past and heal the present.  Recognize the patterns that keep you from expressing your true self.

Key Topics

  • Explore what an authentic relationship is and what it’s not
  • Relate to your essence as the foundation for authentic relationships
  • Understand the special challenges that long-term relationships and marriage face in the Aquarian Age
  • Identify the common ways we contribute to the failure of relationships
  • Develop self-love as a key to authentic relationships
  • Create a conscious relationship with your own masculine and feminine energies
  • Develop Sacred Community

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Deepen your practice of meditation, clarify the relationship between you and your mind, and explore the basic nature and dynamics of the mind. Our relationship to our own mind is pivotal in effectively realizing our true nature and fulfilling our potential. Explore the mind, and its many functions, facets and projections.  Learn to recognize your own tendencies and experience the meditations that can transform the mind.  The ability to act from the neutral or meditative mind is a great strength, supporting us to act from intuition and applied intelligence.  Come into a relationship with the mind and the self which transcends time and space.

Key Topics

  • Experience deep meditations on the nine aspects of the mind and enhance the depth of your understanding of meditation.
  • Focus on your relationship to your own mind.
  • Increase your ability to observe neutrally, to become still, to clear your mind of distractions and intrigues and to recognize the different functional parts of your mind.
  • Experience and practice the use of intuition.
  • Learn the structure of the mind and examine the impersonal minds and the qualities of the mind.

Cultivate the ability to recognize stress in ourselves and others and develop the tools to transform it and balance it with conscious relaxation.  Explore how we react to, cope with and master our vitality.  Investigate the nature of our stress identity as individuals and across cultures.  Use kriyas and meditations as well as other processes to identify stressors and the tools needed to balance and uplift ourselves.

Key Topics

  • Explore your vitality and recognize consciousness as the core of all vitality
  • Identify your stress
  • Heal cold depression and emotional fatigue
  • Relieve, Relax, Recharge
  • Realize the victory of the spiritual warrior