Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces. Love is the sea of no end. We are a drop of it.


Dragica Ilieva
It’s been a journey for sure. In the beginning we started more theoretically, practically getting into the subject of Kundalini but afterwards in the middle of the training you find and you feel that you go a bit deeper into your own consciousness and with all this rising of your own consciousness and awareness you go to a deeper place. You meet yourself on a deeper level. So personally, I get to know my own belief systems, my behavioral patterns that actually are sabotaging me. I could notice so many shifts going on and transformation going on. We just went deeper and deeper. It’s like a completion cycle now as I see it from a different perspective.e It’s an ongoing journey that will continue personally for each of us but the training itself allowed me to be and allowed me to see myself from a different perspective. I witnessed myself accepting the many things that I couldn’t accept and I didn’t want to see. It helped me a lot to witness myself, to hold myself,...
Josephine Adams
I started the first module in person in March 2020 which was mind-blowing. We moved online straight after that because of COVID and at the time I was slightly worried about whether the online course would be as good as the in-person experience. It was still incredible. Every module was different and transformational. Every aspect of it has transformed me. It has little secret codes on how to live happy, just from discovering this amazing course. The teachers were wonderful, and the group was amazing.
Anastasiya Bakshaeva
Kundalini yoga teacher training with Darshan and Nancy has been one of the most life-changing experiences in my life. It’s nearly impossible to describe with words the depth to which we go and the level of transformations that has been happening since I enrolled in this training. It is truly life changing and gives many answers on all areas of life. It’s so comprehensive and holistic, and the fact that it lasts almost a year gives the knowledge just enough time to settle and to integrate in real life. The support that Nancy gives personally to each of us throughout the training (and probably lifetimes 🙂 is incredible. Truly grateful for this wonderful opportunity that entered my life and for my own ability to trust my inner self and to follow the calling. Sat Naam.
Walid Faza
The Kundalini yoga teacher training was very intense and uplifting at the same time. The training is so rich. You have to face your fears and overcome obstacles. It has literally changed my life, work, career, relationships. Everything has shifted, and everything in my life is being reorganized. I encourage all my friends and everybody that I know to do this training.
Purenoot Dokkiang
My mind is blowing with all the content. I found that every module had so much to offer. I learned from this training what it means to be a great teacher. I am inspired to become one.
Maryam Bartawi
Empowering, fulfilling and eye-opening – that’s how this training has been for me. It’s just been a life changing experience.
Nuria Frau–Trullen
What I liked most about the training is the variety of teachers. I loved them all.
Ikram Atitar
Everything made sense when I started attending the first module. Words cannot do justice to this technology. I would definitely recommend this training to everyone. You owe this to yourself and to your soul.
Aida Kuchkacheva & Maria Petit
We’ve been practicing with Kundalini Yoga for more than four years. And finally in January 2024 we had a chance to come for a Sadhana where we felt some in-call that we’re ready to take a course. We had five modules and between modules, we had homework and tasks to do that made us deeply observe information about ourselves. We can say we are completely different people from who we were in January. It was a transformational course and it doesn’t matter if we will be yoga teachers or not, but for sure we will be a better human beings.It’s a transformational experience for ourselves, for our souls, for our bodies, and plus we also met so many beautiful people around. On each module we had really knowledgeable instructors that were really open and welcoming. Each instructor was open to share their knowledge, their life, their family as well. It was an intimate and transformative course. Here you get the tools and keys on how to handle your life, your community, your family,...
Julie Faye Evans
The best thing about the Kundalini yoga teacher training is that I was given wonderful gifts and tools to look after myself, self-regulate and keep my mental health on top form, which was a huge, huge benefit to 2020 – a year of big challenges for most of us. I am so grateful for the teachers and the people I met who made the training a wonderful experience.
Maggie Khaddaj
Transformation, community and healing. This is how I describe the Kundalini yoga teacher training course in three words.
Zayd Faris
I find the Kundalini yoga teacher training more intense than my previous yoga training experience. It has really taken me out of my comfort zone. I’m happy now to do things that I haven’t been comfortable doing before, like the Sadhana at 5:30am, doing the best to stay present and taking all the rest of the practice.
Kristina Papaliyeva
The more you immerse yourself into the Kundalini yoga teacher training course, the more wonderful things will happen in your life. I definitely would recommend this training course to my friends, especially to those who want to improve their lifestyle, become healthier and those who want to experience more beautiful opportunities in their life.
Osler Dcosta
My experience, I think in one word, to capture will be just “Transformative”. I think what began as a search for another modality to sort of yoga, etc. became almost sort of a very life searching, healing process. And the journey is not linear. There have been moments of revolution, there are moments of stillness. And all basically taking you to that sort of re-invert path and also re-emphasizing the point that it’s really not the destination but the journey that matters. I really don’t care what’s out there but I’m so grateful for the technology, for the community, and really the clarity which is sort of helping me to grow personally, in my corporate life and just be a better human being.
Mark Hamilton
The Kundalini yoga teacher training has really allowed me to connect more with myself, learning about myself in ways that I didn’t expect. Trying to bring that lightness into helping other people is perhaps the best thing I have been able to take away from this training.
Jyoti Harijot Chauhan
Insightful. Empowering. Life Changing.
Shadi Enshabi
The Kundalini yoga teacher training showed me the potentials and possibilities of this technology that are far beyond the little introduction and practice of yoga that I had before.
Jane Osta
The training has been nothing less than life changing. There are so many new concepts that have come into my life that are helping me, not only in my yoga practice, but in how I live my life, how I engage my work and even how I talk to people. Whether you practice yoga or not, this is something you can use for you, not necessarily as part of a yoga practice, but really as part of how you live your life.
Maybritt Searty
The course has impacted me in a very, very positive way. It has made me very disciplined. I have truly enjoyed it. It is very rich and profound, and I can absolutely recommend it to anybody, even if they don’t really know so much about yoga.
Archita Shah
The Kundalini yoga teacher training course is transformational, full of depth and absolutely intense.
Lana Evemnchik
Honestly for me it has been an incredible experience. I do find that this training is kind of like the training for life. You know the information that you get here is something that you can use in your relationships, in your work, in your community. It’s literally like in a way as I’m saying it’s like a guide for you to be a conscious human being becoming the best version of yourself ultimately. So the practice, lifestyle choices, the way you treat yourself, your relationship with yourself and with others, it’s definitely positively impacted everything and all aspects in my life and I trust that this is the information that every single human being is meant to know.
Shahrazad Rodhi
I recommend this teacher training course to every single human being from all backgrounds. The Kundalini yoga teacher training will bring you back to what you are and to your core. It has the most amazing structure, lovely people, Nancy, and all the other teachers.
Sevine Samadi
Kundalini yoga teacher training will push you and challenge you. It will provoke you. It will demand that you show up in full authenticity and integrity. What is beautiful is that you can go as far as you want with it. You can take the teachings as they are being taught in your textbook and you can focus on a particular aspect of this technology and dive deep, deep into it. Kundalini Yoga, when understood accurately and practiced regularly, will elevate you to heights that you only dreamed could be possible.
Jana Bou Karroum
My Kundalini yoga teacher training is beyond any description. It’s a life changing experience, with the highest form of self-care. It’s a cleaning process of all aspects – physically, mentally, emotionally. What I liked the most about this training is the idea that you can have a deep yoga experience while still maintain your job, family and social life. Kundalini yoga with all its varieties of techniques – the sound, mantra, breath, yogic diet and the meditation and the kriyas, created a shift in my life. It helped me to break some bad habits and adapt new good ones. It taught me the importance of dedication and consistency, how to speak my mind and be more compassionate towards others including myself, how to treat my body with so much respect and how to become an observer of the mind, to act consciously and act in harmony with your heart. If you are looking for inner peace, and living a truly grateful, happy life, the Kundalini yoga teacher training is for you.
Sabina Paul
It’s been an incredible journey – it’s life changing, so transformational. It has completely changed the perspective of my life. It has allowed me to own my truth and to live from my truth. It has also helped me to see God in all and to really show up for myself, to take charge, and to just live in complete awareness in every facet of my life. For me, it’s just only a beginning and through this course, it has given me the confidence to teach the practice because I believe everyone needs it and will benefit from it. Especially from this course, I would describe it as a life lesson. If you are interested to change your life for the greater good, I would highly recommend this course.
Nayla Talih
Since January, I’ve been on this journey of the Kundalini teachings to become a certified teacher in Kundalini yoga. This practice has been like nothing I had experienced before. It combines yoga, breathing, meditation and spirituality and this last aspect was the one that resonated most with me. To remember that on each breath and that every word that we say and every thought that we have and things that we see, we ought to see them from the perspective of the soul and of divinity and to be really connected not only with our human body but to be connected with the divine source that created us. This training has been a metamorphosis, it changes your life. The way that you start to integrate the learning within the day to day – the day that you start to be conscious of everything that you do, everything that you say, everything that you eat, and especially conscious of my breath, our breath. I would highly recommend it to anyone that really wants to take ownership and self-initiate...
Cherif James Cordahi
I would definitely recommend the Kundalini yoga teacher training course. The teachings are wonderful and the kriyas in particular helped me with my physical challenges, as well as understanding my limitations. The course offers a foundation into the spirituality and philosophy behind Kundalini yoga – a great tool for meeting the challenges and opportunities of life, so that we can maximize what we can do and give to life.
Sarah Williamson
I thoroughly enjoyed the Kundalini yoga teacher training. One thing that has really stuck is the sense of community. I made long lasting relationships. Another take away is the wonderful sense of being held and nurtured. The course itself has been very impactful. I would thoroughly recommend the Kundalini yoga teacher training. Even if you don’t want to be a teacher, it really keeps you inside yourself and that awareness.