At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.

Thich Nhat Hanh


kundalini yoga

What is Kundalini?

The word ‘Kundalini’ is a term that literally means coiled one. This term represents the primal force that lies ‘coiled’ and almost dormant like a snake at the base of one’s spine.

What is the goal of Kundalini Yoga?

As a practice, Kundalini yoga can support the practitioner to free himself or herself of limiting beliefs and ego attachments as the powerful energy that lies within can be awakened.

Can I practice Kundalini Yoga in a modern way?

Everyone is free to realize their own journey with the philosophy, teachings and practice of Kundalini yoga.

I have never practiced yoga before, can I practice Kundalini Yoga?

There are no levels in this school of yoga. Classes are designed for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.

Is Kundalini Yoga at odds with other belief systems?

The teachings of Kundalini yoga are simply a roadmap; an approach to living that can co-exist alongside other faith systems and traditions.

I have an injury – can I practice Kundalini Yoga?

Before starting this practice, we ask that you double check any limitations with your medical health provider. If given the green light by your medical health provider, we then ask for you to inform the teacher holding space for a particular class. Once an agreement has been reached and if you are then able to attend class, we ask that you listen to your own body, approaching movement and breathwork at your own pace.

I am in my 70s and interested in having an experience with Kundalini Yoga, is it possible?

Yes. It is possible provided that limitations are established. Many aspects of Kundalini Yoga can be practiced sitting in a chair and working at a significantly reduced pace.

Is Kundalini Yoga safe for children?

Indeed, Kundalini yoga is safe for children and can be practiced in dedicated classes. As in practitioners of any age, the teachings can help children to become more self-aware.

Can people with special needs practice Kundalini Yoga?

Special populations in general can benefit from Kundalini yoga. By modifying or adapting techniques including breathing, meditation, and postures in line with the abilities of the person with special needs, the practice can positively impact body awareness, self-control, and mental focus.

I am pregnant. Can I practice Kundalini Yoga?

Indeed, Kundalini yoga can be practiced when pregnant, all the while exercising sensitivity and intuition as a mother-to-be, unless there is a history of miscarriage. We recommend that you crosscheck with a medical health provider, recognizing as well that anything which interferes with the physiology and flow of energy within the pelvis and lower abdomen is not recommended from the second trimester of pregnancy. This would include avoiding the breath of fire, certain abdominal exercises inclusive of all leg lifts and any pumping of the stomach.

Common sense also excludes inversions, body drops and constrictions. We do not recommend any lying on the back from in the third trimester.

There are certainly other yogic activities pregnant women can consider which include walking, singing and meditation.

I work in the corporate world and would like to introduce Kundalini Yoga and its many benefits to my colleagues. Can it be practiced in an office environment?

Kundalini yoga can provide an easy-to-use solution that can help address important issues in the workplace including stress, anxiety and chronic illness. The tools and techniques of Kundalini Yoga help alleviate stress, increase mental clarity, enhance energy levels, and release physical tension, not to mention the benefits of better working relationships.

What is Kundalini awakening?

Different people describe it in their own unique ways. In simple words, it is an experience that is powerful both physically (sensation of energy in the body and up the spine) and emotionally (feelings of letting go and feeling ‘grounded’). Any uncomfortable feelings initially are replaced by realization and consciousness.

What is the traditional name for breathwork and other approaches?

Examples include Pranayama (breathing techniques), dhyana (meditation), mantras (a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation), asanas (postures and movements), kriyas (sequences of postures and movements), bhandas (locks or targeted contractions of certain areas of the body), dharana (concentration of attention), mudra (symbolic hand gesture), and shuniya (inner silence).



What can I expect from a Kundalini session?

We understand community members – our students and/or practitioners lead busy lives so darshan offers sessions both in person and via Zoom.

How long is a typical Kundalini Yoga class?

Classes are 90 minutes, covering:

  • Warm Up
  • Kriya
  • Relaxation
  • Meditation

The minimum duration of a class is usually 60 mins.

What do I need to bring to a class?

We recommend wearing white or light-coloured cotton clothing as we are immersed in a deep glandular experience when we practice. 

A light-coloured turban worn on the head helps to contain the temples at the crown whilst enhancing the meditative experience.

In general, we wear light colours when we practice to enhance the projection of our electromagnetic field or aura.  White projects and expands, darker colours, like black, absorb energies.

None of the above dress requirements are mandatory but we recommend experimenting with this technology and gauging what feels best for you.

What if I miss or cancel an appointment?

We understand that emergencies and other life situations can result in missed or cancelled session. We appreciate your support in giving us at least seven [7] hours’ notice to avoid being charged in full for booked / confirmed sessions.


teacher training

Are you offering in-person or online training?

We offer both online and in-person training. People join us from all over the world.

Can I join if I am older or have any physical limitations?

Absolutely. Everyone works at their own pace. There are no age restrictions.

Can I do the course if I am pregnant or planning to get pregnant?

Yes. Pregnancy is an ideal time to be engaged in the teachings of Kundalini yoga. Of course, postures may need to be modified, particularly in the second trimester, but this is a deeply enriching time to train. We have had many mothers-to-be join us over the years. Some have completed the training in a single year, others have asked for an extension, which we generally coordinate together. So much is possible during this special time.

What happens if I do not submit my Kundalini Yoga teacher training course requirements on time?

If you are unable to complete the requirements for certification within four weeks of the deadline given by the course organizer, you will be required to pay a monthly penalty in late fees.

All requirements including late fees must be received no later than 14 months after the conclusion of the course. In case, you are aware you will not be able to make a particular deadline, we ask you work with us to agree on a new date for course submission.

I would like to do the teacher training this year but am concerned that I may miss a module due to travel or work commitments. Is it possible to make this up?

If you miss one module of the training, the opportunity to make it up in the following year should, in principle, be available. There may also be the possibility of placing you on the same missing module with another Karam Kriya training taking
place elsewhere in the world provided that the dates and availability are coordinated by you.

If missing a single day or partial day of the training, we generally ask that you catch up with your peers, read relevant sections of the textbook and share an assignment to demonstrate understanding. This may consist of a write-up that conveys your understanding of the content.

Please can you clarify the course requirement consisting of the five rebirthings and/or 6-hour long meditation?

Rebirthing classes are said to clean the subconscious mind. When the subconscious mind is clear you have the opportunity to think, feel and experience life from the rock that is your true identity or soul versus from habitual and unconscious patterns. We offer Rebirthing classes in the UAE at least once per year as a series of five. These five classes will fulfil this aspect of the course requirement.

In lieu of the Rebirthings, a six-hour long meditation may also be an option available. Again, this is meant to be offered yearly for all trainees.

Does the course only consist of the modules or will there be further study throughout the training?

In addition to full attendance on the course, reading will be assigned to you both before and after modules as will homework assignments.
Other course requirements are as follows:

  • Take Home Exam and/or Final Exam.
  • Signed attendance at 20 Kundalini yoga classes during or aSer the training with a KRI certified teacher.
  • Creation of 2 course curricula, 1 special program (5 weeks) and 1 Kundalini Yoga beginner program (10 weeks).
  • Practice of a 40-day yoga set or meditation (11 minutes minimum) with 40-day diary.
  • Participation in 5 Rebirthings or one 6-hour meditation experience.

A deadline for submission of the above-listed requirements will be given toward the end of the course and a penalty is applicable to those who extend beyond the agreed date. We do take into account extenuating circumstances and of course deadlines are only applicable to those eligible for certification in a given year.

What is not included in the price of the course?

Textbooks, the cost of the final exam (if applicable), the five Rebirthings and/or the six-hour long meditation.

Are refunds offered once the course has started?

Refunds are not issued once the course has begun. Exceptions and extenuating circumstances can be discussed in agreement with the main trainer and course coordinator.

Do you offer payment plans?

As much as possible, given the varying costs of settng up a training and working with international trainers, we ask for full payment up front and encourage all aspiring participants to register for the Early Bird. In special cases, a payment plan may be
devised and therefore applicable.

I am struggling to pay for the training and wonder if I am eligible for a scholarship. How do I apply?

Indeed, every year, we are able to offer several partial scholarships and at least one full scholarship. These scholarships are typically reserved for people suffering socio-political displacement and financial disparity connected to regional instability and challenges.

A strong preference will also be given to people who serve in communities that are predominantly:

  • Elderly.
  • Afflicted by socio-political instability.
  • Living with special needs.
  • Living in lower income communities.
  • Living with addiction.
  • Living with mental illness.
  • Who originate from a country or area where there is little or no Kundalini Yoga.
  • Who are already working in the wellness space.

If you feel that you fall under any of these categories or have your own story to share, we want to hear from you. Please share your special circumstances with us.