level two – 2025

KRI Aquarian Teacher Training in association with LEAD TRAINER Shiv Charan Singh & Karam Kriya School




In conjunction with your Level 1 KRI Certification, this 300-hour (over a minimum of 2 years) certification program consists of five 62-hour modules and fulfills the Yoga Alliance 500-hour requirement.

The 200-hr Level One Teacher Training offers the basics and fundamentals of Kundalini yoga and helps to instill lifelong habits of personal practice.

In the Level Two, one moves deeper into the possibility of continued integration at the heart level and further commitment to authenticity and thus, transformation.
Throughout your Level 2 Journey (which will last a minimum of two years to complete all 5 Level Two modules), you will participate in programs focused on five interconnected themes.  Through personal practice, group processes and deep interactive discourse, you will go through a transformation that will help you to deepen your relationships with the teachings and enhance your ability to teach.


30 January – 04 February 2025 (In Person)

*Disclaimer: With due regard to the safety and health of both trainers and trainees, in-person modules may shift wholly to online attendance


Admission Criteria

In general, applicants are expected to hold a KRI Instructor Certificate in Kundalini Yoga: i.e. Aquarian Teacher Level 1.

A copy of this must be submitted with your application. However, long term Kundalini yoga students or yoga teachers of other disciplines may also attend.


To become a KRI certified level 2 Practitioner you must complete 300 hours of training which includes:

  • Ensuring that a level 1 certification is already in place
  • Attending 240 hours of classroom instruction in the five level 2 modules listed.
  • 60 hours of additional requirements to be completed outside of classroom time including a home exam.


Shiv Charan Singh - Lead Trainer

Shiv Charan Singh is a spiritual teacher, steeped in the traditions of Kundalini Yoga. Karam Kriya, the school he founded, means ‘total action through which our karma is brought to completion through the application of spiritual consciousness’.

Through the philosophy and practice of Karam Kriya, Shiv Charan Singh is deeply committed to guiding students in their spiritual growth, so they can bring spiritual awareness into their everyday lives and develop their full potential as human beings – to become the best they can be.

He is the author of several books on different aspects of spiritual life including human communication, the mystery of numbers (Let the Numbers Guide You) and poetry.

As a renowned teacher of Kundalini Yoga since 1980 and a Lead Teacher Trainer for the KRI accredited Kundalini Yoga Aquarian Teacher Training Level I & Level II, Shiv Charan Singh mentors training programmes worldwide.

Hari Darshan Kaur – Trainer

Nancy Zabaneh is a crucial element in founding yoga in the MENA region and has helped train hundreds of yoga instructors through Darshan, an inclusive training and seminar platform for the study of yoga, philosophy and ancient paths of wisdom.

As the first Kundalini yoga teacher trainer in the Arab Gulf, she was a trainer in one of the first yoga teacher trainings in Palestine, a lead facilitator in Saudi Arabia's inaugural wellness festival in AlUla, and a supporting facilitator in the launch of Beyond Addiction in northern India. Most recently, she has held social outreach programs and special events in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

Drawing on the years of integrative study and teaching to support others in achieving their fullest potential, she is an active counsellor working with a plethora of tools, including Compassionate Inquiry, the psychotherapeutic approach founded by internationally renowned physician Dr Gabor Mate, as part of the program's primary cohorts. Academically trained as a diplomat with a career behind her in the corporate world, Nancy now concentrates her energy on starting conversations that are transformative to people's lives. 

Known for her warmth, enthusiasm and no-nonsense compassionate manner, Nancy's events and trainings support the recognition of Truth in every aspect of life. Nancy is deeply committed to a life of awakening through self-inquiry, accountability and awareness, bringing humility of leadership and objectivity to corporate spaces, couples and groups alike. Social impact and community outreach are a central component of her work.




International program of Advanced Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Course and tutors are approved by IKYTA and KRI.

In Level 2, through your personal practice, group process, deep interactive discussion, intense meditations, you will go through a transformation that will help you to deepen your own direct perception of the teachings. It will also serve to improve your ability to create and maintain the Sacred Space of a Teacher.

Excellence is acknowledging your own divinity and guiding others to realise it within themselves.

Course Content


Use your communication skills to create a common notion with others—even those you disagree with. Hold the teacher’s voice. Empower your speaking. Deepen your listening, don’t just hear. Communicate your whole Self, with awareness, kindness and fearlessness. Elevate your communication to the power of creative dialogue so that life becomes a flow, in harmony with the Infinite. Uplift others through the frequency of your communication.

Key Topics

  • Recognize and contrast conscious communication with other types of communication
  • The role of silence and shuniya in communication
  • The art of deep listening—sunni-ai
  • Mastering the 5th Chakra
  • Recognizing your shadow and overcoming your blocks through applied consciousness
  • Communication through prayer


Early Bird Price

USD$1,200.00 (AED 4,400.00) to be paid on or before 5th November 2025

*Should you wish to register with a family member or as part of a pair, the rate is further reduced. Please email satnaam@darshan.ae for further details. 

Full Price

USD$1,500.00 (AED 5,500.00) to be paid on or before 5th December 2024

*Should you wish to register with a family member or as part of a pair, the rate is further reduced. Please email satnaam@darshan.ae for further details. 


Scholarships will be considered to those with special needs/circumstances.

Please reach out to us at satnaam@darshan.ae


Any cancellation before the commencement of the module will be subject to admin fees.

Payments are non-refundable on or after 15th December 2024.